Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Of nuts and bolts....

The internet is a vast collection of information. But I might as well be in a musty library looking at hundreds of thousands of tomes when it comes to findin some type of information.

I can find the latest modified Computer casing, its discounted price, what can it hold, etc. But I can't for the life of me find out the name of that little protruding part from its side panel that fits to the holes in the frame. Neither can I find the name of the rail that can be found inside a Flash memory slot. (I am pretty sure some technical people out there have names for them...)

One would think that there should be at least one easily searchable site where there is a fully labelled pictures of these stuff... but no~~~ siree. You have to go through a dungeon and slay the invisible dragon first before you can get the key to a treasure room, filled with hundreds of fake chests.

Gah, at least I found out what they call those little white plastic parts that is used to keep a computer memory board in place. They are called ejector clips.


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