Monday, March 13, 2006


Whee! I have finally completed 90% of my move. Got myself quite a nice place (would be a lot nicer with no owner), and transplanted my internet connection! (More on this later).

Unfortunately, my friend who drives does not have a vehicle available to help me move this time (his dad took it to Malaysia), but he came down to help me with the heavier boxes. Thank you Mr D.! Here's where the complications began. I had to make the main move using 3 taxi trips that cost me a total of $15. Not too bad.

However, I found a disturbing trend with the taxi drivers in Singapore. Seems that most of them are not too pleased when being flagged down for the purpose of moving a few boxes. I only took 6 box with each trip, and they were not exactly humongous either. One driver just immediately drove off after I asked him if he's willing to go into the complex and have me load the boxes. Out of the 3 drivers that actually took my stuff, only one even bothered to get out from the cab to open the baggage compartment. One gave quite a sour face at the end of the trip, and the other asked me: "Why did you not get a friend to help?" while keeping his rear glued to the driver's seat as I unload my stuff. (I had help on Saturday, and I made 1 last trip on Sunday for my comp and all the other light stuff.)

I do not think that they are really obliged to load/unload any baggage, but helping passengers should be part of the service no?

The last time I moved, I met a really, really nice taxi driver. I was actually planning for 2 trips due to all the stuff I need to move, but he insisted that we try loading everything in at once (we managed), and even helped with the loading and unloading! I guess I have used up a lot of my "taxi driver luck" when I met that nice gentleman.

I should have obtained his contact number or something...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time I moved house, I used up fifteen boxes just for my things along. Needless to say, my things have increased since then. I dread to see what will happen when I move house again.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Ole' Wolvie said...

You can always call down the army of blogger fans to help you with the boxes ;D

12:32 PM  

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