Saturday, August 13, 2005

Females are scary... part trois

After a good night's sleep (and waking up with stuffy nose -> darn it I am a getting a flu kind of feeling), I woke up with a thought.

Maybe this is one of the reason I have difficulties finding a compatible date. Gals in general seems to have very strong opinions about various things... that I find 'blah' most of the time. (Like one that I saw 'crusading' against local television, or maybe that's just the tip of the iceberg) Adding to the problem, I have grown slightly more 'enlightened' (sliiiightly only hor...) and have realized that there is seriously no point ranting about some stuff. Maybe I am more Buddhist than I thought. The middle path is so alluring... Or maybe I just put things (as long as it is not relationship related) out of my mind faster so I can think about new stuff.

And boy, do I think a lot. Currently I am brainstorming for 2 boardgames, and cobbling up materials for a 'not really gonna happen but fun to think about anyway' Online Game. I think I think too much, but it kinda scares me now to find out how some of the pretty ladies think. I used to (and still) champion the ladies, but the past few days of blog reading has provided me with new food for thought (and that is bad...) I have seen what is termed as 'bitchyness' in the american teeny-bopper movies, but now I have 'seen' the real life version of it. A loud, in-your-face revelation. It is amazing how a lady (can I even continue using this term? sigh...) can change her tone from sadness to supreme idignation (and vulgarities, when online, only?) within 2 paragraphs when talking about a 'horrible' boyfriend. (Not you Celia :D)

And this phenomenon seems to be prevalent among the better looking, younger ladies. I always thought, why is it that people 'change' so much after a marriage? or even just after quite a long time of dating? I might have found the answer. They do not really change. They are just putting less effort in showing their better side and keeping their worse side hidden.

As for my worse side? well, I am a hardcore gamer, and like any other guys, likes to chase tails (just that I am horrible at it, tired at failing, and lazy, so I don't bother no more! :D) And I highly prize private moments. I don't think I can stand it if my future girlfriend is the type that needs me to call her multiple times a day even if she looks like this, (she's 32!) or these (a japanese blog i stumbled across, I only recognize maybe 1 face in there, but they are all TV regulars in Japan)


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