Thursday, September 01, 2005

Fragrance in the wind

One (of the many) thing has always baffled me.

How is that the some ladies could stay so sweet smelling after walking under the hot sun for like 2-3 hours. I mean, sometimes I noticed some that has put on a little too much perfume, but these are different.

You walk past them on a busy street, and 1-2 seconds later you run into a trail of fresh, pleasant fragnance. (Good stuff...) Even if I bathed, soaped and scrubbed myself really really well (including the belly button, inner ear and back of ears...), applied some powder, and go out from the house, I would not be able to detect any lingering fragrance after 30 minutes or so.

Does some human females have this capability of retaining fragrant molecules around their body? Or somehow artificially repoduce some pleasant smelling secretion based on the auguents that they apply to their bodies? Or was it just my olfactory organ playing tricks on me?

I would like to know this secret of smelling fresh the whole day long~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not in the body but the clothes. :-D

11:26 PM  
Blogger Ole' Wolvie said...


Please do say more :D

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girls spray perfume on their clothes before they go out. So even when the perfume had evaporated from their bodies, chances are the perfume on the clothes tend to stay on for quite a while.

Some girls I know put some potporri in their wardrobe, so their clothes are always nice-smelling. Then they can be nice-smelling all day too.

10:24 PM  

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