Saturday, December 31, 2005

Lady Luck is very fair...

Thanks to Lady Luck, I have the time to post an entry.

First part of the story.

I had a session of Railroad Tycoon at Mr. C's house yesterday, and it was a pretty fun game. The gameplay is simple, but has the potential to be really cut throat in nature.

I won the game by 2 points over Mr. E.

Then we played "Full House".
This game has simple mechanics, and is pretty old house. However, I found it to be quite unforgiving to players. I started out really badly, barely able to upgrade my hotel, and had to downgrade it because I owed people money. I also drew bad event cards... that is until the leading hotel caught fire and got burnt down. I went on to win this game too after pulling an upgrade gamble. (Very much like in real business in a sense, it is good to be prepared for total failures.)

That was Lady Luck smiling at me.

Today, I decided that I would like to get a copy of a comic before heading down to Orchard Road. It was cloudy, and looked like it was going to rain. I was prepared, however, and had my umbrella ready. Then, it started with a light drizzle. I was unfazed, and continued with on my feet. 8 minutes and one helluva heavy downpour later, my shoes are soaked through, my pants changed color from the feet up to the thighs (you can even squeeze quite some water from it), my sleeves are dripping, and my backpack soggy.

I gave up my intention to go downtown, bought my comic and some food for dinner, intending to head home to change. (I really detest soggy feet). As I approached the bus stop, I saw my bus going off, and the sky clearing...

That was Lady Luck frowning at me (and collaborating with Mother Nature...)

So I guess I should rejoice whenever I lose in games now :D
(As I am writing this however, the heavy rain began again, just as I was contemplating going out again earlier as the sky was clear...) Grrrh~! I am not giving up!


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