Thursday, December 18, 2008

Da Enterpreneur...

Having recently spoken to two Indonesian enterpreneurs, I have an observation.

Singapore is superficially efficient.
Anything that's standard and routine, can and will be carried out smoothly and quickly.
Anything that's non standard, well, conquering Mount Everest might be easier.

Indonesia is superficially inefficient.
Anything that's standard and routine, can and will be made as draggy as possible.
Anything that's non standard, well, the more grease you have, the faster it gets done. (And this applies to routine stuff too! Woot!)

Last I heard, Singapore's IRAS is kinda overwhelmed by the CoD requests that they don't know how to handle it (and what caused it). My current personal conclusion: Ain't gonna bother with NPWP and CoD till I plan to buy property back home. (Even then it can just be under my parent's name.)


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