Welcome to the cult of gamers~!
As I wandered into my usual gameshop hangout after my dance practice today, I saw the storekeeper explaining a game of Carcasonne to two guys. From their spoken English, I immediately pegged them as Indonesians. As the storekeeper was busy, I took it upon myself to recommend them some games. It turned out that they had been to Settlers before, and the group of 5 of them decided to buy some games (the hook of addiction has sunk!). They were not aware of gamers night though, and so of course I have to induct them to the ritual. Muahahahaha! Anyway, they ended up buying a set of Settlers of Cattan, + the expansion for 5-6 players. I even took them down to Burger King to have a demo game. (The shop should pay me comission man :D)
Oh yeah, both NTU graduates, and one of them share the same name with Sonic. What a coincidence eh? Looks like we have more converts!
On another note, you know that technology is really proliferating when:
Your auntie asks if you have a girlfriend yet - through E-mail, and
Your mom asks you the same thing - through SMS.
Or maybe it just meant that I am getting older... merde~!
His name is pretty common after all, although I only know of one with his name (himself).
What's interesting is if you meet someone else with my name. Still waiting for the day I can meet someone with the same name and surname as myself.
Carcasonne? Wow, it has been a year or two since I last played this.
I played a game of 'Meridian',two games of 'Traumfabrik', one game of 'La Strada', two games of Palmyra and most of a game of 'Santiago' yesterday.
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